For I know the plans I have for you, plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.
– Jeremiah 29:11
Date: 31 Dec 2017
Time: 10:18pm
Place: Costa Coffee, Eastwood
There’s something fascinating about the energy of New Year’s Eve (NYE). Some families spend the entire day of the last day of the year preparing for Media Noche. Some pack their bags for a staycation, while some hit the road by dawn for an out-of-town getaway. Those in transit could be seen in airports, bus terminals and ferry ports. Throngs of people prefer to join in countdown celebrations and NYE concerts, while some are huddled in places of worship — praying thanks for the year that was and seeking guidance for the year that’s to come. A number of people celebrate with family or friends, while some prefer going through the festivities alone. Consider yourself lucky if you could take time off from work for the holidays. Airline and airport crew, hotel staff, waiters, security guards, media personnel, doctors and nurses are but some of the numerous jobs where NYE is just another ordinary day at work.
Regardless of an individual’s preference/circumstances for ushering in the new year, I’m guessing that the minds and hearts of people are filled with one dominant emotion: HOPE.
Out of the next set of 31,557,600 seconds could be a second where we might breathe our last. Despite the inevitability of death, I hope we consider it as precious seconds of appreciating life’s smallest details.
Out of the next set of 525,600 minutes could be a minute where hurtful words can be uttered to people we love. Despite our human frailty, I hope we could channel our imperfection towards humility, seeking forgiveness and repairing relationships.
Out of the next set of 8,760 hours could be an hour of engaging in difficult conversations with work colleagues or friends. Despite the ugly and inconvenient truths that we ought to hear, I hope we could use it as stepping stones to becoming better and stronger persons.
It’s another set of 365 days where each day unfolding is uncertain. Despite the uncertainty, I hope we consider it as another set of 365 days where anything is possible.
It’s another set of 52 weeks where a particular week might bring nothing but failure, bad decisions, mistakes and mishaps. Despite nothing going according to plan, I hope we treat those weeks as necessary for resilience and growth.
It’s another set of 12 months where a month is considered a long and grueling wait for something. Despite the stress and anxiety brought forth in waiting, I hope we’ll hold on to the belief that we are destined for beautiful things in the future, which may take time.
I hope that in the last few minutes before this year comes to a close, may we also be filled with a sense of GRATITUDE — for relationships which didn’t work but which led us to discovering more of our capability to love; for mistakes and bad decisions which caused us harm but has taught us invaluable life lessons; for closed doors and rejected opportunities which shattered our dreams but has led us to believe in a far greater plan designed for us.
2017 was definitely a year of highs and lows for me and I’m sure it’s the same case for everyone else as well. In as much as we are eager and excited to close this chapter of our lives, may we never forget that as to where we are now and how far we’ve come at this present moment, all of these wouldn’t happen if not for this year’s colourful ride.
Happy New Year, my friend. Blessings and prayers for you, your family and your loved ones.